Mindfulness Day Retreat

Next Session Saturday 23rd November, 10.00 am to 4.00 pm, at The Mindfulness Centre. £25, concessions available.

Experience a day of mindfulness practices. The intention is to give participants space to learn a little about mindfulness, to experience meditations and movement in a calm and relaxed environment, and to put down the baggage of daily life for a few hours. The day will be a mixture of teaching, discussions, guided meditations, movement, readings, and time to oneself.

The day will be in four parts, with a short break in the morning and afternoon, and a longer break for lunch. There will be chance to ask questions about the day at the beginning, and then a chance (if you want) to discuss your experience with other participants at the end.

For those who want to experience a day of silence, then that will be possible – we will ask for silence in the teaching room during breaks. If, on the other hand, you want to talk during breaks then please respect those who want to stay silent. The tutor will explain arrangements at the start of the day. Spending a day not talking is a way of calming the mind; it is not a rigid silence – if you need something you can ask, or clearly if there is an emergency then speaking will be necessary.

There will be chairs and mats, but if you have your own meditation cushions, mats, stools, etc, then feel free to bring them. As we may be still for quite a while it may be wise to bring a blanket or have layers you can put on and take off. Please bring a packed lunch and something to drink. 

You can book at The Sanctuary.